The beauty of being small
Yeah, that’s right. I’m talking about being small wherever you are.
Just like a raindrop when it’s pouring cats and dogs,
I feel small among the ocean water I exist in
Just like a particle of dust while the universe holds trillion stars,
I believe to myself ‘the significance of me is close to nothing’
yes, I feel incredibly tiny in this world.
When a thunder goes up with tumultuous rhythms,
All I can make is a slight knock, I come to realize
When things get dreadful on the planet I reside in,
All I can help with is myself holding my tears, I get to know
yes, I feel ashamed to be impotent.
But, I know how to console a tiny self of mine
To believe that they don’t need my slight moves
That they’d get better without me
That’s so small of me, isn’t it?
But yes, I love being small,
hoping that I’d grow, at least, get to growl.